What is Linux?
Linux is a powerful, open-source operating system used widely for servers, desktops, and embedded systems. Known for its stability, security, and flexibility, it supports various hardware platforms and is the foundation for many popular distributions like Ubuntu, Fedora, and CentOS.
Basic Linux Commands For Beginners
Linux is a powerful operating system that is widely used in various fields such as web servers, networking, software development, and more. Understanding basic Linux commands is crucial for navigating and managing this OS effectively. Here, we’ll explore some fundamental commands that every beginner should know.
1. pwd – Print Working Directory
The pwd
command displays the current directory you are working in. This helps you keep track of your location in the file system.
$ pwd
2. ls – List Directory Contents
The ls
command lists the files and directories in the current directory. You can use various options to modify its output.
$ ls
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3. cd – Change Directory
The cd
command is used to change the current working directory.
$ cd /home/user/Documents
4. mkdir – Make Directory
The mkdir
command creates a new directory.
$ mkdir new_directory
5. rmdir – Remove Directory
The rmdir
command deletes an empty directory.
$ rmdir old_directory
6. rm – Remove Files and Directories
The rm
command is used to remove files or directories. Be careful with this command as it permanently deletes the files.
$ rm file.txt
$ rm -r directory_name
7. touch – Create an Empty File
The touch
command creates an empty file or updates the timestamp of an existing file.
$ touch newfile.txt
8. cp – Copy Files and Directories
The cp
command copies files or directories from one location to another.
$ cp source_file.txt destination_file.txt
$ cp -r source_directory/ destination_directory/
9. mv – Move or Rename Files and Directories
The mv
command moves files or directories to a different location or renames them.
$ mv old_name.txt new_name.txt
$ mv file.txt /new/location/
10. cat – Concatenate and Display Files
The cat
command displays the content of a file.
$ cat file.txt
11. nano and vim – Text Editors
Both nano
and vim
are text editors used to edit files directly from the command line.
$ nano file.txt
$ vim file.txt
12. grep – Search Text Using Patterns
The grep
command searches for text within files that match a given pattern.
$ grep "search_term" file.txt
13. find – Search for Files in a Directory Hierarchy
The find
command searches for files and directories within a directory hierarchy.
$ find /home/user -name "filename"
14. chmod – Change File Permissions
The chmod
command changes the permissions of a file or directory.
$ chmod 755 file.txt
15. chown – Change File Owner and Group
The chown
command changes the owner and group of a file or directory.
$ chown user:group file.txt
16. df – Display Disk Space Usage
The df
command shows the amount of disk space used and available on filesystems.
$ df -h
17. du – Display Disk Usage
The du
command estimates the file space usage.
$ du -sh directory_name
18. ps – Report a Snapshot of Current Processes
The ps
command displays information about active processes.
$ ps aux
19. kill – Terminate a Process
The kill
command is used to terminate processes manually.
$ kill [PID]
20. sudo – Execute a Command as Another User
The sudo
command allows permitted users to execute a command as the superuser or another user.
$ sudo apt-get update
Mastering these basic Linux commands will significantly enhance your ability to navigate and manage the Linux operating system. Whether you are a beginner or someone looking to refresh your knowledge, these commands are fundamental tools that will aid you in performing various tasks efficiently.